The Web Science Observatory – The Challenges of Analytics over Distributed Linked Data Infrastructures

A paper by Wendy Hall, Thanassis Tiropanis, Ramine Tinati, Xin Wang, Markus Luczak-Rösch and Elena Simperl on Web Observatories. The opportunities for Big Data analytics are discussed, as well as the challenges, including the balance between fewer machines and data sets giving high performance on the one hand and a large number of distributed, diverse data sets potentially giving lower performance on the other hand.

Nigel Shadbolt talks at the Big Data World Europe conference

The conference was Europe’s first ever Big Data conference. Its aim was to inform senior marketing and IT executives about Big Data.

The conference took place on the 19th and 20th of September in London.

Professor Shadbolt’s talk was entitled “Reconnecting with your customer: how ‘Midata’ will build trust and create business value.”

He discussed the relationship between organisations and consumers, the nature of Midata and the advantages to organisations of getting involved with the Midata scheme.

Other eminent speakers included Katherine Fithen, Chief Privacy Officer at the Coca Cola Company, Michel Floyd, CTO at YouGov, Sarah Phenix, Head of the Group Privacy Programme at Barclays, and Iain Welsh, Head of Information Delivery at RBS.

Nigel Shadbolt at the Big Data conference

The Big Data conference, which took place on the 8th of February, was part of the “Data Science Series 2012” series of conferences which is aimed at business leaders, especially Chief Information/Finance/Marketing Officers.

Speakers included the Global Creative Director at EMC Consulting, Matthew Bagwell, acclaimed mathematician Marcus Du Sautoy and the Managing Director of Intelligent Business Strategies Ltd., Mike Ferguson.

In his talk, entitled “The Promise and Peril of Open Data,” Professor Shadbolt discussed the value of open data and the challenges for its implementation. He also examined the use of open data in the private sector to give a competitive advantage.

Details of future events in the series can be found here .