GEOmii parking app launched

Seme4 has launched a new parking app in partnership with GEOmii and Ethos VO Ltd. The app provides information on availability of parking spaces using the best available data sources, such as live data from fixed sensors in parking spaces, crowd sourced data, data collected by local authorities or data collected from mobile phones.

The system uses a range of data analytics techniques to predict future parking space availability. It also collects data on parking space usage and driving patterns to improve prediction.

The system aims to reduce the amount of time drivers spend looking for a parking space, thereby reducing congestion and also greenhouse gas emissions. The data collected will also help with city planning, for example in deciding the number and location of parking spaces.

Further information can be found here and the app can be downloaded here.

A radio interview with Martin de Heaver from Ethos Smart discussing the app and a trial of the system in Brighton can be found here.

Seme4 and partners produce open data platform to provide information on parking availability

Seme4 has partnered with Ethos VO Ltd., and a number of parking companies to produce an open data platform which provides information on parking availability.

The information is accessible to motorists through an app, and is available as a viewer which provides management information for transport planners, retailers and other organisations. So far the platform has been rolled out to Brighton, Guildford, Greenwich and Kingston.

Further information can be found in an article which appeared in Forbes below: