Web Science Manifesto

A manifesto for Web Science by Professors Wendy Hall, Jim Hendler and Steffen Staab, in which they discuss the challenges relating to the World Wide Web such as cyber-crime and privacy, and propose ways to address these challenges, for example through regulation.


Wendy Hall receives Suffrage Science award

Professor Dame Wendy Hall is one of 12 women to receive an award to celebrate her “scientific achievements and ability to inspire others.”


The awards are part of an initiative launched by the UK Medical Research Council Clinical Sciences Centre to encourage more women to pursue science as a profession, and in particular to aspire to senior leadership roles.

The awards are timed to coincide with Ada Lovelace Day, which is an international day to celebrate the achievements of women in science and encourage more females into scientific careers.

The Role of Data Science in Web Science

A paper by Christopher Phethean, Elena Simperl, Thanassis Tiropanis, Ramine Tinati and Wendy Hall on the use of Data Science in Web Science. The similarities, differences and overlaps between the two disciplines are presented. The authors discuss how Data Science can be used for research in Web Science, for example to examine user behaviour and analyse information flows.
