Hugh Glaser talks at JISC conference

The talk at the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) conference was part of the session entitled “What is the Business Administrative Case for Linked Data?”

The JISC provides leadership and support for the use of I.T. in post-16 and Higher Education establishments in the U.K. The annual JISC conference is aimed at a range of people, including those responsible for I.T. policy, those responsible for I.T. resources and researchers in the area. It was held in Liverpool on the 14th – 15th of March 2011.

The session explained the concepts of Linked Data, described how it can enable data to be shared and discussed how it can increase efficiency.

Keynote speech at Web Science and Technology Symposium

Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Professor Nigel Shadbolt gave a keynote speech entitled “Web Science: a New Frontier” at the Web Science and Technology Symposium
in Seoul, Korea.

The symposium, which took place on the 24th of February 2011, was a gathering of the world leaders in the field of Web Science and Technology.

Amongst the many issues discussed in the speech were the processes that have driven the Web’s growth, the function of the Web as a socio-technical system, the drivers that led to the establishment of Web Science as a new academic discipline and the grand challenges facing Web Scientists.

Dame Wendy Hall elected a Fellow of the ACM

Professor Dame Wendy Hall has been elected a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest organization for computing professionals.

Dame Wendy was President of the ACM from 2008 to 2010, the first person from outside North America to hold this position in the ACM’s prestigious 60-year history. Her Fellowship was awarded ‘for contributions to the semantic web and web science and for service to ACM and the international computing community.’

‘I am very honoured to be elected a Fellow of the ACM,’ said Dame Wendy, ‘and to be recognized both for my research and my service to the international community, which is a very significant part of my work.’

Hugh Glaser talks at UKOLN

The talk was “entitled Co-rereference and”.

It took place at the University of Bristol on the 14th Of January 2011. The aims of the UKOLN (the United Kingdom Office for Library and Information Networking) are to inform policy and practice in the areas of digital libraries, metadata and resource discovery, distributed library and information systems, bibliographic management, and web technologies. It is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils and the European Union.

Seme4 Speakers at British Museum Study Day

Prof Dame Wendy Hall and Hugh Glaser both gave presentations at a study day organised for the ResearchSpace Project by the British Museum on “Cultural Heritage and the Semantic Web British Museum”.

The event was attended by both policy-makers and technologists from cultural institutions from around the world. Dame Wendy gave a keynote address, and Hugh gave a presentation on “Museum data, where next – consuming linked data”.

Seme4 were also pleased to support the event by providing sponsorship.

Study Day Web Page