Links to papers, talks and other publications in the media, highlighting the academic research and thought leadership undertaken by Seme4 founders and staff
An interview with Professor Dame Wendy Hall in Tech Nation, in which she discusses the future opportunities provided by the Web, but also the need for building in mechanisms for assurance and trust for Web data and interactions.
A pod-cast interview with Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt in the Financial Times, in which he discusses Open Data, privacy, security and re-empowering the consumer.
An article by Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt about open data on the website Information Age. He discusses the need for investment in data infrastructure, improved data literacy and encouragement of innovation.
An article by Professor Dame Wendy Hall written for the Campaign for Science and Engineering, in which she discusses the value of Web Science being an interdisciplinary field, and the need for systems and structures (research funding agencies, university management structures, etc.) to adapt to this way of working.
A manifesto for Web Science by Professors Wendy Hall, Jim Hendler and Steffen Staab, in which they discuss the challenges relating to the World Wide Web such as cyber-crime and privacy, and propose ways to address these challenges, for example through regulation.
An article in the Guardian newspaper by Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt on how the UK can remain world-leading in the area of open data. He suggests that the UK should strengthen its data infrastructure, promote data innovation and invest in improving data literacy.
An interview with Professor Dame Wendy Hall on Dubai Eye radio in which she discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, the reasons it should be open and her experience of working with other disciplines.
A paper by Christopher Phethean, Elena Simperl, Thanassis Tiropanis, Ramine Tinati and Wendy Hall on the use of Data Science in Web Science. The similarities, differences and overlaps between the two disciplines are presented. The authors discuss how Data Science can be used for research in Web Science, for example to examine user behaviour and analyse information flows.
A paper by Ramine Tinati, Markus Luczak-Roesch, Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt on the results of a study of Wikipedia, including the structuring of information following particular events, quality control and the way in which data is linked.
A TED talk by Professor Dame Wendy Hall (14 minutes) in which she charts her journey from school girl to the present day.